About hellopuppy

"hellopuppy" was created to offer the people and dogs of Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula a new approach to puppy and dog training. Being a "one man operation", I am able to provide my clients with personalised attention, allowing a mutually beneficial relationship. My focus always been on getting "Results" which is clearly one of the most important aspects of training your puppy or dog.
We all know that owning a dog is an amazing and very rewarding experience, but it is also an important responsibility. Therefore, because I teach with a strong emphasis on communication, my clients will gain a much greater understanding of how effective their communication which is the key to successful obedience. More importantly they gain the confidence to address most situations and are able to take on a leadership role.
My approach involves you being fully involved in the training process ensuring that we cover all bases and in doing so, I find that owners end up learning much more than they thought possible while the relationship with their puppy or dog is taken to a whole new level.
As a Qualified Dog Trainer / Behaviourist / Myofunctional Therapist, I take a holistic approach to your dog's welfare to ensure they live the best life possible. I also regularly attend training courses and seminars to expand my knowledge and ensure my methods are both effective and up-to-date. This ensures your dog's health and wellbeing is my primary focus.
I cater for all Ages, Breeds and Situations and my comprehensive Experience, Passion and Positive Training Methods results in my clients achieving the the best outcome possible as per my Google Reviews and past Client Recommendations.
Contact me to find out how I can help you and your dog begin a new life together...
Meet the Team

Barry Purcell
NDTF (National Dog Trainers Federation)
Qualified in Canine Behaviour & Training
NCTM Qualified Canine Myofunctional Therapist (National College of Traditional Medicine)
“Story Dogs” - Teams Assessor
“Delta Therapy" - Volunteer
Fully Insured
Working with Children Check

Rescue 11 y/o Heeler X Kelpie
Delta Therapy Qualified
Puppy Class Socialisation “Lecturer”
Fearful and Reactive Dog “Assistant”
Obedience Class “Demonstrator”
Specialises in working with children

Rescue 10 y/o Australian Kelpie
Delta Therapy Qualified
Puppy Class Socialisation “Lecturer”
Fearful and Reactive Dog “Assistant”
Obedience "Specialist"
Specialises in working with puppies and older dogs